10 Powerful Reasons To Practice Pranayama
Learning to become aware of our breath, control your breath, and maximize our breath has the potential to heal our bodies as well as provide ultimate wellness to our mind,…
Learning to become aware of our breath, control your breath, and maximize our breath has the potential to heal our bodies as well as provide ultimate wellness to our mind,…
Restorative yoga balances a fast lifestyle and has an enormous capacity to heal physical and mental symptoms that are stress related, and as we know, many diseases these days are…
“Spiritual” is a concept or term often bandied around in yoga circles. It can be confusing to anyone – but especially a new student. We go along to a yoga…
Mandy and Sammy Jo share their experiences of a years teacher training course. I came to teacher training at Yoga Space in Leeds as I wanted a teacher training course…
Lessons from the longest study on happiness. From TED talk by Robert Waldinger What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it’s fame and…
The practice of drishti is a gazing technique that develops concentration—and teaches you to see the world as it really is. By David Life – http://www.yogajournal.com/article/philosophy/the-eye-of-the-beholder/ Photo: Joey…
The gift of the new year brings deep reflection and introspection that can amplify processes of self-inquiry, expanding our spiritual awareness and commitment to yogic living. http://www.yogabasics.com/connect/yoga-blog/setting-new-years-intentions-instead-of-resolutions/ – By Megan…
Winter can be long; the nights are dark and we are often subjected to dank, drizzly days. But over the past few years, my attitude towards winter has gradually begun…
Rocket Yoga is an Ashtanga Yoga System because we study our self through breath, bandha and dristi…but this practice can be deeper and more illusive than the traditional Ashtanga Yoga…
How do we get our shoulders out of our ears? In addition what is the effect of this on our elbows, wrists, and hands? https://www.yoganatomy.com/your-shoulders-in-downward-facing-dog/ – by David Keil…
How do you know what will support the healing process and what you should modify or leave out until you’re healed? https://www.yoganatomy.com/yoga-practice-when-youre-injured/ by David Keil Yoga practice when you’re injured?…What to…
An effective mindfulness practice for working with self-stories so you don’t get so caught up in yourself that you miss the irreplaceable moments happening right in front of you. https://www.mindful.org/free-from-self-stories/ –…
Meditation: The objective is to show up. The goal is to eliminate the need for a goal. Showing Up In The Moment – by Emerson Dameron https://www.everyday-mindfulness.org/showing-up-in-the-moment/ I’m not 100% sure…
Prepare your body and mind for labour and delivery with prenatal yoga. Practice loving compassion for yourself and baby. Prenatal yoga is one of the best things that you can…
http://swamisatchidananda.org/pranayama-breath-life/ – By Swami Satchidananda For breath is the life of beings and so is called “the life of all.” —Taittiriya Upanishad, 11.2 Prana is the vital force that makes up…
The basic goal of all the asana practice is finding and maintaining a comfortable padmasana (lotus pose) for meditation. There are a few key anatomical components and principles to finding…