Hamstring Flexibility
In this Hatha yoga practice Nichi takes you towards full splits pose with blocks and a bolster.
In this Hatha yoga practice Nichi takes you towards full splits pose with blocks and a bolster.
Based around Garudasana or Eagle pose, a sequence for the upper back, shoulders and leg strength.
Our second beautifully crafted, soothing flow sequence, moving along to the sound of live cello. Beautiful!
Stretch out after work or your busy day with some delicious yoga.
Get your juices flowing with a little bit of everything, hips, hamstrings and a few twists.
Following loosely the ashtanga primary series this hip focused practice gives you energy and helps you get stronger.
Add this class on to your yoga practice if you have the time or put this on before bed.
Improve your strength with these exercises to improve your yoga practice and your general health, vitality and mobility.
This class with Gerry is just wonderful for anytime of the day with a great balance of floor, standing and seated posture.
The ‘fountain of youth’, this practice is based on balancing and unblocking energy channels, spinal mobility and strengthening and on keeping your core strong.
This class works with balancing the yin (passive) and yang (active) parts of ourselves and our practice to allow energy to travel through the centre of the body and up to the crown chakra.
Hey there Yogi, Sorry, you need an Active Membership with Yoga Space Online to access this content. You can sign up easily for just £9.99 per month! Nichi x
Hey there Yogi, Sorry, you need an Active Membership with Yoga Space Online to access this content. You can sign up easily for just £9.99 per month! Nichi x
Flow with the divine sound of cello. Yoga and cello is really a match made in heaven, soothing as you flow.
A good selection of standing postures with some interesting diversions to fire up your core and help you develop strength as well as stamina.
The perfect pick me up class, Nichi uses the Dancing Warrior vinyasa sequence to warm up the body and connect body, mind and breath in class 1 of this series.