Letting Go

Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot…

Yoga lingo For Beginners

Great article from Kirsty Tomlinson from www.ekhartyoga.com defining some common Yoga terms. If you don’t know the difference between your sacrum and your sternum, mix up your chaturangas with chimichangas*…

Action, Inspiration, Resolution

Gregg Krech discusses the art of taking action and getting things done, from the perspective of Japanese Psychology By Gregg Krech http://www.ekhartyoga.com/blog/action-inspiration-and-resolution When was the last time you were inspired to…

Going Beyond Our Limits

One of our Teacher training students Rachel discusses Yoga, practice and challenging yourself on and off the Yoga mat. In a current YTT (Yoga Teacher Training Programme) with Nichi Green…

Music and Yoga

Ever wondered why we play music sometimes in a Yoga class. Want to know why Yoga and music go so well together and get some ideas for great play lists?…

The Hamstrings

Those darn hamstrings. Their stubborn inflexibility is a source of frustration for many yoga practitioners. Understand the anatomy and find some relief from tight hamstrings, to attain a better posture.…

Light On Life- Words of Wisdom

The more Yoga you do the more you will feel and understand. It’s difficult to explain until you start to experience it but everything starts to make more sense. Here…

How Important Are Body Proportions in Yoga?

What role does our innate body shape play on the final aesthetic of a yoga posture? And is it important what the asana looks like? by Jenni Rawlings https://yogainternational.com/article/view/how-important-are-body-proportions-in-yoga Perhaps you…

Simplicity & the Pure Response

So often in our lives we encounter challenges that when met with the simplicity of the pure response can be effectively transmuted so that we generate less complexity, less stress,…

How Yoga Can Help Your Running

  Effects of Yoga on Runners Running results in muscle tightening which, in turn, can lead to injury. On top of this, as many of us spend much of our…

There is always a way…

Our wonderful, wise teacher Sarah shares her personal practice philosophy about how to practice with honesty and find liberation through yoga. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY… One of my favourite…

Conversations About Meditation

Most people share the same concerns and believe the same misconceptions about meditation; addressing them will help overcome the barriers to developing a consistent practice.   https://www.everyday-mindfulness.org/conversations-about-meditation/  – Jon Andre…

How Your Meditation Routine Is Altering Your DNA

What if we knew that meditation could actually change our DNA in a good way? Would that motivate us to set aside time for it more often? http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-24751/how-your-meditation-routine-is-altering-your-dna.html – by Kaia…