Natural Born Yogis

Why children need Yoga as much as adults do I loved Primary School. It never really felt like we were doing work. Days were full of adventure and exploring. Teachers…

Make Your Exhale Longer for Better Health

Most of us know that when we’re rushed and feeling pressured, our breathing becomes shallow. This ratchets up your level of stress—short exhalations make us vulnerable to anxiety and depression,…

Discovering Mindfulness – The Journey – by Abby McPhee It only took about fifteen minutes of the first mindfulness class before I started to wonder whether I’d made a big mistake. It seemed like I…

Tension versus compression in yoga – by Esther Ekhart Have you ever wondered why, after years of dedicated yoga practice, you are still not able to realise that elusive pose? Have you ever considered…

Be Your Best Self Every Day

“One of the biggest tips that helped me transition to a life of good decisions was this: Praise the effort, not the outcome”  By Daniel Dowling- My best days are…

Relaxation – A Skill Unto Itself

Relaxation involves the body and mind, along with the interaction between the two. We address Yoga Meditation, which is a process of knowing ourselves at all levels, such that we…

Everybody Upside Down

How do we evaluate and approach inversions, poses that are said to be invaluable and that possess distinct physiological benefits? – by YOKO YOSHIKAWAAUG Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) are…

What is Thai massage and is it good for you?

A massage that is more like yoga; performed through your clothes, Thai Traditional Massage leaves you in a state of sublime relaxation. What is Thai Massage? More and…

Screw The Rules: Living Mindfully

In the choice to let go of your known way of being, the whole world is revealed to your new eyes. – Danna Faulds – by Sheila Bayliss Before I…

Yoga for Strength

What are the benefits of strength training? And can we get stronger with yoga alone? – by Jenny Savage Over the past few years there has been a boom…

Anatomy 101: Understanding Your Sacroiliac Joint

Twisting poses are a top cause of SI joint injury. Learn how to safely anchor yourself before moving into your next twist. – by Judith Hanson Lasater Pain in…