It’s never too late to start Yoga
While many yoga classes across the country seem to cater to the youthful enthusiast who wants to sweat his or her way through an hour-and-a-half workout, a growing number of…
Yoga- For Health, Longevity and Peace
Interview with A.G.Mohan from thehindu.com about his practice and study with the Godfather of modern yoga, Krishnamacharya; Engineer-turned A.G. Mohan and his wife Indra have dedicated themselves to the propagation…
The Vagus Nerve, Slow Breathing and the Art of Relaxation
When we slow our breathing down great things happen. Find out how you can change your health with breath and relaxation.
The Fourth Yama: Brahmacharya (right use of energy)
https://www.ekhartyoga.com/blog/the-yamas-brahmacharya-right-use-of-energy (Read our introduction to the 8 limbs of yoga here…) The Yamas The word ‘yama’ is often translated as ‘restraint’, ‘moral discipline’ or ‘moral vow’, and Patanjali states that these…
The Third Yama: Asteya (Non-Stealing)
Explore the third Yama – Asteya (Non-stealing). A part of the first limb of yoga from “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”. https://www.ekhartyoga.com/blog/the-yamas-asteya-non-stealing by Emma Newlyn (Read our introduction to the 8…
The Second Yama: Satya (Truthfulness)
Explore the second Yama – Satya (Truthfulness). A part of the first limb of yoga from “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”. http://www.ekhartyoga.com/blog/the-yamas-satya-truthfulness (Read our introduction to the 8 limbs of yoga here…) The…